Still adjusting to life back in the states, Pete tries to distance himself from his brothers and the platoon, which, of course, backfires. Meanwhile, Pvts. Robinson and Park try to bond with Jill.

The episode also had a really strong B-story with Perez, Hill and Robinson having a girls' night out. It was funny on its own merits - "Lone Wooolf," "We're like a yogurt commercial," & "I know. Little secret. I give really bad advice." - but it also flowed into the main story very naturally.
Couple that with the great recurring jokes of the community worrying about sinkholes (You just knew one would appear by episode's end) and Cody knowing everything that happens on the base (Who wants to challenge him now?), and this is yet another solid entry for Enlisted.
Some more thoughts:
- "Pete's Airstream" was written by Theresa Mulligan Rosenthal and directed by Matt Sohn.
- Obviously, FOX moved Enlisted to 9/8c. in an attempt to improve the ratings. Bones is a better lead-in than Raising Hope so I hope it works because I really love this show.
- Derrick: "I had to help him through the rough spots. That's not me. I'm the middle brother. I am the rough spots."
- Randy: "Check out this muscle. Feels like calamari."
- Jill: "The trick is to avoid comparisons."
- Love that the picture of Pete, Derrick and Randy that Pete is trying to hang in his trailer is one of the photos taken to promote the series.
- Pvt. Gumble: "Is it because I look like one of the Rugrats." & "Answer the black friend question." Also, going forward he will be called JaMort.
- Derrick: "Hey everyone listen up. I got some bad news." Everyone: "Boooo." Derrick: "At least wait to hear it first."