Everyone is looking forward to commencement until shocking news about Carlton threatens to overshadow their special day. Daphne fears her future is in jeopardy when her past catches up with her. John and Kathryn aren't happy with Bay's post-graduation plans. Mary Beth is pleased when Travis' wish comes true.

What makes the situation even more tragic is that Daphne has been nominated by her class to give the commencement speech and Carlton will be shutting down for good afterwards. After everything this class did to keep the school open this year, it will close just after they've graduated. And everyone just has to accept that. They don't have to be happy with it. But they also have their respective futures to look forward to. Eventually they would have to say goodbye to Carlton. That's a fact of life. But the knowledge that the school simply won't exist anymore makes that feeling much more emotional at graduation.
And Daphne delivers quite the speech despite everything going on in life around her. It fully encompasses her journey so far in life. She offers up the story of first meeting Emmett and learning about Carlton. From that moment until now, Carlton has been her entire life. And now, her future is murky and could be over before it ever begins. It has hard not to get choked up a bit during the graduation ceremony.
Fortunately for Daphne though, she has Bay as a sister. Daphne is willing to turn herself in but Bay doesn't want her to just throw her life away. So she lies and takes the punishment for her. Bay has put serious thought into her post-graduation plans of moving to Los Angeles with Emmett. She has a solid plan that has support from Regina and Kathryn. And yet, she's willing to toss that aside to be there and protect her sister. They reflect before the ceremony how much their lives have changed in the past three years since first meeting each other. They have such love for each other. And now, Bay is risking her own life for her sister. That's such a selfless sacrifice that was the exact kind of twist I wanted in the end. Now both girls will have records. How will that effect their respective futures next year? I can't wait to find out.
Some more thoughts:
- "And Life Begins Right Away" was written by Lizzy Weiss & William H. Brown and directed by Melanie Mayron.
- Emmett would not go to Los Angeles and USC if Bay was not going with. He applied never expecting to get in. And then, he did. That gave Bay motivation and he didn't want to spoil all of her perfect planning. But now, she won't be going. Will he leave or will he stay in town?
- Toby gets a message from Nikki saying she officially wants an annulment now. Graduation is all about the girls but he also gets this very upsetting news. I just want Toby to happy. With Lily offering to do nothing with him, he may get that after all.
- Travis' mom showed up for graduation! It was such a simple story. Travis never knows exactly what he wants. He says he doesn't want to invite his family but then he's disappointed as he's walking to his seat and seeing that no one besides Mary Beth is there for him. His mom showing up and knowing some sign language is a very uplifting moment.
- Way too soon for Regina and Wes to be a romantic thing. I'm glad Regina recognized that. The offer of Hawaii is up on the table - but I don't know if she'll go now that Bay is the one facing punishment.
- The graduates at Carlton were actually given their diplomas in alphabetical order! It's the small details like that that make me happy.
- Bay having Angelo's picture underneath her gown was also a very simple but moving moment.
- Sharee can also sing. That was nice.
- John and Kathryn learn about Bay having the genetic possibility of developing an aneurysm. Bay really should have told them after she found out she was healthy instead of them learning about it once the bill came.