Wednesday, February 11, 2015

REVIEW: 'The Americans' - Elizabeth Deals with a Slow & Calculated Car Chase and Receives Dental Work in 'Open House'

FX's The Americans - Episode 3.03 "Open House"

Danger mounts for Elizabeth and Philip as they get closer to the inner circle of the C.I.A. Afghan Group. Stan monitors Zinaida. Agent Aderholt challenges Agent Gaad on a crucial operation. Arkady tasks Oleg and Tatiana with gathering high-level intel. Martha proposes a lifestyle change to Clark.

Philip and Elizabeth really just want to protect their family. It's an institution that they hold very dear even though they don't always offer the emotional support that Paige and Henry need. They keep on discussing Paige's future and what they are going to decide. And yet, neither have a real relationship with Paige. Philip can tell Gabriel how strong his daughter is but that's his idealism speaking. He's not sure how Paige will react to this news about her parents. He thinks he knows how she'll react. It's a big choice to make based on how Philip and Elizabeth think Paige will take the news. Paige doesn't understand why her parents always worry about her so much. Poor Paige, she doesn't even know the extent to which they worry about her. Philip and Elizabeth are at a loss. Much has been said about what they should do and what the Centre expects of them. And yet, they are no closer to reaching a decision. It's brought about this big divide between the two of them. Even Gabriel has to point out that they are different than they were the last time he was in the United States.

And yet, Philip and Elizabeth are all that the other has for personal protection. They watch out for each other. They have a real love towards each other. The stuff with Paige is pulling them apart. But they are still there for each other out in the field. Part of protecting their family is protecting the ideals and institutions that they hold dear. They need to get the names of the people working for the C.I.A. Afghan Group. That's a huge proponent of the country's presence in Afghanistan. If they can know what the Americans are planning, then their home country can know how to react in order to ensure their mission is successful.

The two work best as a team. They worked together to see the identities of the Afghan Group people by manipulating Yousaf. And now, they are formulating a plan in order to manipulate the people of the group as well. The biggest problem they face is getting access. The C.I.A. is on high alert because Elizabeth was caught trying to get that list of the names. These people are highly protected. The Centre can formulate a plan for Elizabeth and Philip. But they still have to find their way in. An open house provides that opportunity. They can stake out the house and plant bugs but they get a huge break when their target comes home to grab some work.

That leads to one of the very best car chase scenes in the medium ever. It's not over-the-top. It's a nuanced take on the spy game. There are many moving parts happening at the same time. Elizabeth spots a tail on them and the two have to quickly figure out an escape plan while also keeping tabs on the target that they are stalking. The C.I.A. was bond to have a presence in this area. But they ended up having eleven different vehicles comprising a circle around Elizabeth. Their one mistake is only having one car have eyes on her. The KGB is very smart. They have plans in place for a situation just like this. Philip makes one phone call relaying all the information. A team is quickly formed that help establish contact with Elizabeth while providing a big misdirection to ensure her escape.

This car chase is simply a risk of this business. They can train as operatives for years and something like this can still happen. They can be spotted and have to be crafty in order to escape. These people have to know how to blend in and work in this atmosphere. It's nice to know that there are these systems in place to help them get out of this kind of trouble. However, they often have to act alone when out in the field. They have to be unwavering in their support for the cause. If not, they will end up just like Annalise.

Elizabeth and Philip have the other to rely on as well. Yes, they both have to seduce targets in order to gain access to the information they seek. Elizabeth is teaching that tactic to her trainee, Hans, while Philip is still actively living as Clark in order to use Martha. The others presence means that they don't always have to be alone though. Philip is terrified that he gets to come home unsure of what is happening to Elizabeth out in the field. He did all he could to ensure her safety. And yet, he has no clue if she was caught and their family will soon be discovered. That doesn't happen. She returns home and they embrace. That reaffirms their love for each other. The world around them may be messy but they often can rely on the other. This was a close call for them. It just means they have to be a tad more careful when continuing their pursuit of this target.

That also means that Philip has to be the one to treat Elizabeth's dental problems. That sequence is brutal. It also says so much without the characters having to share many words at all. Philip wants to kiss his wife after this threat of exposure. The pain she feels ruins that moment. This problem isn't going away and the Americans are keeping a close eye on all doctor and dentist offices. It's a trivial task to the folks at the FBI but it's a pressing threat and issue for Elizabeth. So, Philip has to pull the tooth out. He makes sure that she's as comfortable as she could possibly get. But the pain of this removal is much more than she typically has to handle. It's painful and doesn't come out easy. This is emotional trauma for her and all she can do to deal with the pain is hold on to Philip as hard as she can while he pulls out the tooth from her mouth. He's successful and now it's no longer a problem for them moving forward. They are now allowed to look ahead to the future of the mission. 

Some more thoughts:
  • "Open House" was written by Stuart Zicherman and directed by Thomas Schlamme.
  • Martha proposes the idea of offering up the apartment to foster kids to Clark. It's this desire that she feels very strongly about but Clark doesn't want any part of it. It adds a complication to the mission that Philip doesn't want even at the cost of potentially losing touch with Martha.
  • Martha also has a moment with Agent Aderholt by the file robot. Hmmm, could she be looking elsewhere for her affections? That could be very dangerous to Philip.
  • Oleg is offered the opportunity to return home and he choices to stay at the Rezidentura. He's doing work that he feels good at and just doesn't want to leave because his father wants him back home.
  • Stan is still babysitting the Soviet defector. She's making multiple public appearances now but he's much more interested in being in the situation room and trying to capture covert KBG agents.
  • Paige finds a picture of Sandra in a bikini amongst Henry's things. He claims it's not his but that feels like a typical teenage boy lie. Still just a little creepy.