Trey Parker and Matt Stone have reached a new deal with Comedy Central to extend their hit animated series South Park by three seasons and 30 episodes, taking the longest-running primetime scripted series in cable through an unprecedented 23rd season and 304 episodes. The 19th season of South Park premieres on Wednesday, September 16.
In a separate deal, South Park Digital Studios, a joint venture between Parker, Stone and Viacom, has extended its record-breaking deal with Hulu to cover all additional seasons and new episodes. Hulu is the exclusive streaming home of the entire South Park library of 18 seasons and 254 episodes and will also remain the SVOD home to all episodes from upcoming seasons.
"Nearly two decades later, South Park today remains as important and influential as any series on any platform and has become one of the most recognizable brands to ever come out of television," said Doug Herzog, President, Viacom Music and Entertainment Group. "Through South Park Digital Studios we will continue to aggressively expand the reach of the South Park brand by pursuing additional extensions and licensing opportunities worldwide."
"South Park remains the bedrock of Comedy Central and we are thrilled that new episodes will continue to entertain audiences for years to come," said Michele Ganeless, President, Comedy Central. "The series remains as urgent and relevant now as the day it premiered and at nearly 20 seasons in it continues to draw generations of new fans."
Added Parker and Stone: "We love working for Doug and with everyone at Comedy Central. They've given us an insane level of artistic and creative freedom for almost 20 years. They walk the walk."
South Park is executive produced by Parker, Stone, Anne Garefino and Frank C. Agnone II. Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell and Vernon Chatman are producers.