Friday, April 2, 2021

REVIEW: 'Nancy Drew' - Nancy Is Struck by a Curse That Makes Her Lust Over Every Guy She Sees in 'The Spell of the Burning Bride'

The CW's Nancy Drew - Episode 2.10 "The Spell of the Burning Bride"

Nancy picks up a new investigating job involving the local florist and is pleasantly surprised when Gil Bobbsey is able to offer some assistance. Meanwhile, Ace receives a cryptic text message.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of The CW's Nancy Drew.

"The Spell of the Burning Bride" was written by Jesse Stern and directed by Amanda Row

This episode is simply fun. It's a refreshing and welcome quality as well. It's certainly an energy this show is capable of providing and has done previously. It has more confidence in this hour. That is necessary because so often the show can take itself too seriously. Sure, this episode still makes some decisions that the audience can nitpick apart. Some stories still feel like they are moving at a completely glacial pace. But again, this episode is a success because it does something new with the overall story. Nancy is a teen investigator in Horseshoe Bay. She has come to accept that most mysteries have a supernatural component to them in this town. She is also figuring out what she wants out of her life. She is having fun with her friends. She also has romantic chemistry with several people. The story of this episode simply amplifies that. The show states that she has three viable options for romantic interest moving forward - Detective Tamura, Gil Bobbsey and Ace. In addition to them, she also sees Nick in sexy slow motion. However, that isn't a reasonable option for her future in that regard. It's something that has already occurred between them. Moreover, it's not necessary for another hurdle to be introduced for Nick and George to figure out. They already have their hands full in dealing with Odette. She doesn't necessarily want to play by their rules. She is using George's body though. She has to respect that. She also wants to have fun. She is intrigued by Bess. It's an attraction that is felt as well. It can't be acted upon. Everyone is figuring out how to move forward in a way that works for everyone involved. It's complicated. Sometimes, the people unnecessarily make it so. They drum up drama in their heads that adds pressure that shouldn't exist in the first place. Nancy freaks out about the potential consequences of this lust that has been thrusted upon her. She fears that it could be an amplification of what she has long felt. She also spits out her own desire to attend college while fearing how others perceive her because of what she has done in her past. Those fears are legitimate. Her friends don't question it. Nor are they concerned or bothered by it. They simply want to help Nancy before she makes a massive mistake. She gets close to doing exactly that as well. Again, the show presents three viable options for her to explore in a romantic way. She has a moment with Tamura where they almost kiss in The Claw parking lot. Nancy coughs up the cloud of lust before it actually happens though. Instead, they walk away from all of this with a new understanding and respect of the others' investigative abilities. It also just provides more backstory for Tamura as a character in this world. That is necessary. Definition can't come solely because he is the latest object of Nancy's affections. That actually makes Gil more reasonable. That character definition previously occurred with Nancy investigating what happened to his mother. Sure, it was already heavily teased that a romantic connection was inevitably going to happen between him and Nancy. The audience could see that plainly. The show wanted to introduce some drama to complicate his life before that moment happened. Meanwhile, Ace continues to be positioned as the guy Nancy may eventually wind up with because he has always been supportive. He is busy with his own storyline that he needs to sort out before exploring that kind of bond. Of course, that's also where the show appears to be dragging its feet somewhat. His potential brother drives all the way to Horseshoe Bay only to leave a picture for Ace that teases they share the same father. It took more than a day for the sibling to arrive as well. Ace is nervous about meeting him. The audience should expect more from all of this. Progress is made elsewhere though. Nancy acts on her romantic impulses with Gil when she is no longer under the influence. It also comes at a time when the Hudson family learns that Nancy is Ryan's daughter. That will be explosive. The audience probably expected these big and dramatic moments to occur. The execution still works though. That is necessary for the audience to buy into these events. Plus, having fun with the way it all happens is a crucial benefit too. The narrative additionally offers the sentiment of recognizing the failings of historical figures and reckoning that with the progress made nevertheless. That is the brief moment of topicality that actually reveals a desire for intersectional acknowledgement that is also appreciated. So, it's clear the show can juggle these many ambitions successfully and with confidence.