Thursday, June 3, 2021

REVIEW: 'Station 19' - The Firehouse Family Comes Together to Celebrate Maya and Carina's Wedding in 'Forever and Ever, Amen'

ABC's Station 19 - Episode 4.16 "Forever and Ever, Amen"

Maya addresses some unresolved family issues, and the crew takes matters into their own hands when faced with a life-or-death moment on scene. Andy and Sullivan's marriage is put to the test.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the season finale of ABC's Station 19.

"Forever and Ever, Amen" was written by Kiley Donovan and directed by Paris Barclay

The world is facing a racial reckoning. People are marching on the streets demanding justice for all the heinous abuses that are ingrained within our society. People are trying to hold accountable the structures that have always been in power. These systems encouraged this violence. They have prevented so much progress from occurring because it was easier to fall in line with the strong bonds that have always dictated how the world works. That is no longer good enough. People are demanding more. A fight for equity is truly justified and valid. It shouldn't be impossible for people to understand. And yet, so many are comfortable with the power they wield and fear losing it because someone else demands the same treatment in life. Maya is supportive of everything her station wants to do in support of the protests and taking on the corrupt systems of the world. In return, they all rally together to celebrate her wedding to Carina. It's a happy occasion as well. Sure, it's one of the fastest weddings ever depicted on television. They don't need big speeches proclaiming their love. They already know that to be true. Moreover, Maya comes out to her parents. She doesn't just delay letting them into this part of her life until her marriage is more comfortable and stronger. She wants her mother there. She is too. It's a celebration of love. So many couples make big proclamations in this setting. And yet, tension simmers under the surface as well. Andy and Sullivan are fighting because of some betrayal on his part. When it's all revealed, it is as devastating as Andy proclaimed. The department turns on Maya as captain of Station 19. Sullivan doesn't dismiss her. He certainly steps up as a viable alternative who promises less waves should he be given command once more. He is still interested in his own career. That's still important to him. His loyalties to Station 19 aren't as firm as everyone else who calls this place home. He says he is just trying to preserve this family for Andy. In reality, it's a massive betrayal. Maya is removed as captain simply because she broke protocol to potentially save a young boy's life. She did what she thought was best in order to give him the best care possible. The rules exist for a reason. It's still ultimately up to the captain to decide how to lead her team. Maya has built trust in this role. Everyone is heartbroken when they receive this notification while Maya is happily with Carina on the dance floor. It's just the latest evidence that the structure doesn't want to change. Nothing that has dominated the culture over the last year has influenced the decision making whatsoever. Miller wants to believe that the police genuinely want to change. They are offering a settlement in his lawsuit out of good faith. Condola and his friends at the station convince him that accepting it may be for the best. It's a form of justice. It's an acknowledgement of the wrongs taken. But it's also just a quick way to silence him when the city knows his case is damning. The fire and police departments have been at odds for so long. Station 19 stood out as a unit for service and compassion. Maya's removal is justified because of disobeying protocol. She is really being forced out due to her support for the protests and the contentious nature she has inspired within her station. It's a punishment that proves it's hard to bring about change from the inside. The fight is still worth pursuing from all angles. This action simply proves that Carina was right to worry about some drama happening during the wedding like it has her entire life. Maya and Carina are happily together though. That deserves to be uplifted. Travis also has the courage to share his true feelings for Emmett once more. That too is embraced and accepted. Vic and Theo also reunite. Of course, that moment is mostly about Miller feeling like he has missed his chance at proclaiming his own love for her. The show really shouldn't drag this out any longer. It put in the work to make Vic's bond with Theo meaningful this year. But the action still centers so much of Miller's inner turmoil around this love for her. If the show can't commit one way or another, then it feels like a waste of everyone's time. That choice is thankfully made for Jack. Inara doesn't want him to follow her to California. This relationship was great. He saved her life. They both deserve more. No shame should be placed on that. It just sucks in the moment where everyone realizes that things aren't working. Andy may be getting to that point in her marriage as well because she no longer believes that she can trust Sullivan and the decisions he makes.