Sunday, February 13, 2022

REVIEW: 'Inventing Anna' - Vivian Investigates New Claims About Anna's Willingness to Con People in 'Too Rich for Her Blood'

Netflix's Inventing Anna - Episode 1.08 "Too Rich for Her Blood"

Vivian digs into lingering questions after her article's publication, including Anna's formative years in Germany and her stay at L.A.'s Chateau Marmont.

"Too Rich for Her Blood" was written by Nicholas Nardini and directed by Tom Verica

The Anna Delvey story has gone viral. Memes have been born. People appreciate Vivian's article across the world. And yet, she worries that people aren't understanding the point of the story. Of course, she can't properly explain it either. It's something about class, society and gender. That's how she perceives it. And then, she fears that something is drastically missing. She worries once more that she has gotten everything wrong. She has the power and ability to ask for anything. That includes a trip to Germany to learn even more about Anna's life. She feels it is necessary to continue the story. It's just getting started. The article being published wasn't the end. A trial is still forthcoming as well. Vivian must be responsible by further reporting out the story. That quickly turns into obsession. It proves that Vivian has fallen victim to Anna's charms just like everyone else caught up in her orbit. She is skilled at luring people in. It continues to be astonishing and mysterious. Vivian approached this dynamic with skepticism. She was pulled in so many different directions. And now, she continues to sacrifice her life in order to devote her attention to the story. That's not healthy. Of course, it's all detailed in overwrought and melodramatic dialogue. That has been a constant of the season. It's extremely apparent here as Vivian grows more and more unhinged. She proclaims herself as now living out a Claire Danes fantasy. She has become a spy in Germany trying to get the truth before anyone else. It's life or death if she makes the wrong move. The stakes aren't that high. This story does have power. It's wielded over Vivian. She has surrendered herself to it. She must believe more is out there to uncover. She can't stop now. Anna always said this is how she has always been. Her parents confirm that fact. It takes awhile but Vivian accepts that too. This episode certainly plays with perception more than the previous ones do. It's all about the fantasy Vivian can create in her mind about the life Anna must have lived to turn out the way she did. But again, it was just a con meant to inspire greatness in the future. Anna found a mentality for how to approach life. She obsessed over it no matter how much trouble it actually produced for her.

All of this is wrapped up in a suicide attempt as well. Even that has to be viewed skeptically though. It's just a way for Anna to continue cheating the system while securing a lavish life for herself. It's initially played as Anna being vulnerable for the first time. Her friendship with Neff may have been real to a certain extent. However, Anna never allowed herself to truly be seen. Instead, it was just about conveying the picture-perfect experience she was captivated by. She never wanted to be boring. The world had enough of that. She wanted to pursue something more. Achieving that proved to be too great for her to accomplish. Meanwhile, the backlog of bureaucracy meant there was no urgency to ensure she was held accountable quickly. It was only upon discovering that she defrauded banks and investors that she was prosecuted with any sense of severity. Rachel is the personal face. She is the one who brought the case to ADA McCaw. She sets up Anna to be arrested while at rehab. That's how she takes out her anger. Neff sees it as a betrayal. Rachel could only feel good about herself at the expense of others. That isn't the way a person should treat their friends. Neff still genuinely believes in this connection. She wasn't hurt as much as others were. Even then, the justice system only cares when the rich and powerful are embarrassed. When it comes to everyday people who were swindled by Anna, it's not that serious. Moreover, it's not too late for Anna to change things. Vivian wanted the subject of her story to decline a plea deal to give her time to build attention for the case. She achieved that goal. And now, she wants Anna to accept her role in the suffering of others. It's not healthy to continue living this way. She is young and capable of putting in the self-reflection necessary to be a genuine person. Anna laughs at the suggestion. She cuts down others to make herself feel good. That too has been a constant. She seems incapable of change. Her parents have given up on her. It's what they needed to do for their own sanity. The world may be better off without Anna Delvey. That sounds like a drastic statement. One that shouldn't be casually tossed around in an episode featuring potential suicide. Reinvention must occur. It can offer meaningful transformation. Nuance and humanity must be seen in the situation. Unfortunately, it's just a plot point meant to suggest further investment even though the smart thing would be to walk away from Anna and let her do whatever inspires her in prison during her sentence.