Thursday, November 10, 2022

REVIEW: 'The Good Fight' - Diane Makes a Choice About Love Both at Work and in Her Personal Life in 'The End of Everything'

Paramount+'s The Good Fight - Episode 6.10 "The End of Everything"

The office must survive after being trapped by white supremacists.

"The End of Everything" was written by Robert & Michelle King and directed by Robert King

Production on the first season of The Good Fight was disrupted by Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election. The creative team had to adjust their stories on the fly. It wasn't truly until the second season that the series could reflect how politics had changed overnight. Everything about the law and the country's norms was altered. It was eerie how predictive this show was while always being informed by the true insanity of the moment. That didn't stop when Trump failed to earn reelection. His presence still lingered over the national conversation. He has never gone away. He always teases the potential of more to come. That leaves people in a perpetual state of dread. One can hope the country will improve without him in power. And yet, so many institutions were damaged during his tenure that revealed how much power they had as well. The Supreme Court has been just as dangerous in recent years. Social media has channeled the outrage and vitriol of communities that feel targeted. People have so many more resources now to do whatever they want. That's dangerous especially when it comes to fueling hate. In that regard, Trump was just a result of a changing system. His rise was inevitable. He hopes he can maintain relevance in order to avoid any kind of criminal charges. That isn't a foregone conclusion even if he announces another run for the White House. That too is expected at this point despite the lackluster results from his slate of candidates during Tuesday's midterm elections. It's once again eerie as the series finale counts down to that massive declaration. It almost places too much emphasis on this one person. It still lines up with reality. It's been reported that Trump wants to announce his candidacy on November 15 from Mar-a-Lago. It's a lot of noise in the hopes of gaining as many attention as possible. It can't be ignored. It's displayed on a massive screen for Liz and Diane. Everyone has to witness it. It doesn't matter the changes the characters endure throughout this finale. The fight continues regardless of what happens. None of them die. That's a relief. The firm was targeted. Everyone is forced to drop to the ground and seek cover. White supremacists targeted their business. They rallied around a central date. As such, their efforts proved to be much more unified and successful than the disparate attempts to overthrow the government elsewhere. They found a reason to be slighted by the successes of this law firm. Meanwhile, the lawyers could learn to live with the protests on the streets. It became part of their lives this season. It's not exactly conducive to the quest to find inner peace. That's what people proclaim to want. However, that's not truly what they seek out in resolution to their series-long journeys.

Lyle notes how Diane's work doesn't seem to make her happy. When she's at the office, she once again dreams of the French villa she wanted to purchase. The offer is too tantalizing to turn down. The price has been reduced. Her laptop won't close. She could leave this fight. She has nothing left to prove. Moreover, she doesn't believe she made a difference. All of this has only kept the perpetual cycle of violence and outrage going. The only way to make it stop is to quit playing the game by the same rules. Diane appreciated this firm taking her in when no one else would. She pushed boundaries to see how far her influence could take her. She always had limitations because of the firm's culture. That had to be more important than any individual. However, Liz and Ri'Chard are now the partners of the world's largest firm. The diversity of their office is significant. They also have the opportunity to think much larger. STR Laurie wanted to strip various assets for parts. The lawyers see inspiration. They find a new way to do the good and honest work. Diane can still achieve her dream of managing an all-female firm. She could fight for the causes she believes in with no oversight. She would be in charge. It's all determined by her willingness to fight. Lyle seemingly offers her peace. She wants to be content with life. And yet, she is always drawn back to Kurt. He isn't great at expressing his emotions. However, he will drop everything and quit his job in order to come to her when she's in danger. She still matters to him. He proves that no what matter what else is going on. That's all secondary to his love. Diane feels that too. Carmen always had complete clarity over what Diane's future held. When she thought she was going to die, Diane professed her love for Kurt. Nothing could disrupt that. Diane overthinks what their different political ideologies mean for their relationship. It matters but it doesn't have to tear them apart. Everything is informed by politics now. They can't escape that. They simply need the proper tools to manage it. That comes from honest communication and being level-headed about expectations. The same applies to Jay and Carmen. Jay knows he needs to pursue his activist instincts instead of continuing his investigative work for the firm. That's where he can make a difference. Lives are saved because he has those resources at his disposal. Carmen makes a different choice. She still has more to learn as a lawyer. She still admires Liz as her mentor. Of course, Liz is also learning how to accept the horrible things about the past. Ri'Chard helps Malcolm understand his grandfather's despicable actions. Humans are complicated. It's important to recognize that. That shouldn't erase all the good work. It just makes awareness all the more vital. That is incredibly clear now. This story is ending. However, its lessons and examination of the human condition in these heightened times will live on and hopefully provide catharsis for those who need it. Plus, one just has to appreciate the shot of office supplies exploding as they are hit with bullets mimicking the opening credits the audience has seen for years now. That's an impeccable touch from a creative team that always had its eyes on the details.