Sunday, April 16, 2023

REVIEW: 'Barry' - Barry Experiences the Isolation of Prison While Sally and Hank Escape Los Angeles in 'Yikes'

HBO's Barry - Episode 4.01 "Yikes"

Are you mad at me?

"Yikes" was written by Bill Hader and directed by Bill Hader

Barry vividly remembers his first experience with Gene's acting class. It's projected onto the wall that now forms the prison yard. It's not a means of escape. It's not Barry fondly looking back at a moment of bliss before this darkness occurred. Instead, it's the perfect metaphor for the acceptance he has found. The sequence ends with the people fading away and Fuchs walking out the door. He's on a mission. He aims to secure protection for himself while in prison and after he's released by recording Barry's confession to more crimes. Barry is only arrested for killing Detective Janice Moss. He's done so many other heinous things across the country not just in Los Angeles. Fuchs knows all about that. And yet, Barry delivers him what he has always wanted to hear. Barry apologizes for falling in love with acting. He sees the error in his ways of seeking emotional fulfillment. It only ultimately compromised him. He is now famous. His story is broadcast on television. The prison guards are in awe that he is now there. Sally's phone is blowing up. Barry is numb to it all. His first call is simply to confirm that Gene set him up. Gene's reaction is crucial. He continues to profess his support for Barry. He attributes the revitalization of his career to Barry's determination. None of that would have been possible. Gene receives the adoration of crowds. People express their support. He was forced into this arrest. It was all Jim's plan to get justice for his daughter's death. The police may be incompetent. However, Jim still trusts the system. This is the fate he wants for Barry. He only fulfills one point of this story though. Jim is merely one loved one whose life was destroyed by Barry. His lethal pursuits weren't contained to him either. Gene accepts the love he receives from Barry. The narrative has formed around how he turned against his student. He is the hero. He also craves the ability to orchestrate his own telling of events. He aims to warp the narrative because of the contacts he has. Of course, he foolishly believes a journalist wouldn't contact other sources to verify the details of his story. Gene wants to be believed at face value. Nothing he does supports that level of respect. He wants the truth to be known. It's all whatever he believes will create the most sensational story. The headlines are already so provocative. Barry is still left to suffer. He's at the point where he would rather die than live in this world where nothing was ever actually real. He sees the error of his ways. He's made others suffer. He can't deny that any longer. Death is what he deserves. He provokes it into happening. That just means Fuchs is once again by his side serving as the only support system he has. That was dangerous once. It will more than likely turn out that way again.

Sally and Hank have escaped Los Angeles. For Hank, it's a life of potential peace and happiness with Cristobal. They no longer face the pressures of organized crime. And yet, that dream still entices them. Hank remains haunted by his imprisonment in Bolivia. He escaped and saved Cristobal. They have a life together in New Mexico. It was a feat that would have impressed even Barry. These characters survive even the most brutal of fates. Death doesn't await them just yet. They remain forever drawn to the tease of more power. Hank still wants to control Los Angeles. He wants to be the man in charge giving all the orders. He doesn't have any loyal followers. He sees an opportunity thanks to Cristobal's imagination. He also hears about what has happened to Barry. That's a crucial detail. Barry may not be directly responsible for everything that happens in this show with every character. However, his influence is deeply felt in each of their lives. Hank knows what Barry's voice sounds like. He's not fooled by the obvious trap. Now, it's a question of if he is willing to do anything to help the man who has aided him so many previous times. Elsewhere, Sally is horrified by the revelations of the man she once loved. Their relationship ended. However, that didn't conclude the impact he had on her life. She learned many things about herself. She achieved some massive professional achievements. That still wasn't good enough. She's right back in her parents' house. It's meant to be comforting. She was distraught after killing someone. Barry took responsibility for that action. He sought to protect her. Her mind is still shattered upon learning just how easily these dark impulses came to him. She understands the desire now. She wanted bad things to happen to Natalie. She hoped to exact revenge. The industry was no longer supportive of her. She had an opportunity to shine and the algorithm crushed her dreams. Of course, her show is still capable of being found on the streaming platform. Her parents don't get it. They don't understand how it's a dramatization of her life. Sally was inspired by specific experiences. Those were personal for her. And yet, her mother feels the need to apologize to Sam's family for this drama being publicly available. She doesn't support her daughter at all. She doesn't consider her feelings. She just views Sally as fundamentally broken. She will always choose terrible men as romantic partners. This experience will absolutely leave her with trust issues. Her father is a bit more nurturing. Even then, Sally's problems can't be solved through a temp job at his company. She can't escape the life she left behind in Los Angeles. She is too connected with Barry to be overlooked now that his story has gained such prominence and notoriety. She can't see that larger picture quite yet. She wants to escape it all. That's just not a fate available to her because of the constant scheming elsewhere.