Oliver is shocked to learn that Slade has come to Starling City; Oliver, Slade and Sara prepare to take over Ivo's freighter; and Slade's growing rage from the Mirakuru makes him unpredictable and he could on his friend if he learns Oliver is to blame for Shado's death.

And everything ultimately boils down to tension and how well-executed that concept is throughout the hour. The action sequences on the freighter are exciting and well choreographed. Even in the dark shadows, I had a great understanding of place and struggles facing the people shooting at each other. But the present day stuff is nothing to scoff at either. "The Promise" picks up the second after the last episode ended with Oliver coming face-to-face with Slade once again - this time as a new beneficiary to Moira's campaign. Oliver is stunned to see him alive but can't show it in front of his family. He covertly gets the Team to come assist. But Slade has friends too. He's merely making his presence known to Oliver. Setting up a great showdown to come in the last third of the season.
Some more thoughts:
- "The Promise" was written by Jake Coburn & Ben Sokolowski and directed by Glen Winter.
- They really brought Celina Jade back as Shado for that one brief dream sequence. What a waste and total unnecessary.
- I'm intrigued to see the next stage of the island flashbacks only to see how Oliver shoots an arrow into Slade's eye.
- So much well included iconography as well including Slade putting on the Deathstroke mask, Oliver donning the Arrow outfit for the first time, his training sequence on the island and shooting the arrow to start that fire just like in the pilot.