Thursday, April 8, 2021

REVIEW: 'Everything's Gonna Be Okay' - Genevieve Discovers Something Private on Matilda's Laptop in 'Gray Bird Grasshopper'

Freeform's Everything's Gonna Be Okay - Episode 2.01 "Gray Bird Grasshopper"

The family is stuck at home and desperate for something to do. Matilda is in a dark place, but a phone call cheers her up. Genevieve gets caught trespassing, digitally.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the season premiere of Freeform's Everything's Gonna Be Okay.

"Gray Bird Grasshopper" was written by Josh Thomas and directed by Silas Howard

Nicholas became Matilda and Genevieve's guardian. He didn't want to be a parent though. He sees his sisters as independent spirits who are capable of being responsible in their own lives. However, they do need guidance and direction at certain points. He offers a perspective that comes from simply being older. He wants to help. He doesn't always know how. That's perfectly normal and acceptable as well. He has no clue what anyone needs at any moment in time. He barely knows what his life needs. He has the resources to do whatever though. That is never in question. He saw the value in taking his sisters to New York City to see if Matilda truly could adjust to this new environment. When surrounded by the love and support of her family, she could handle the trip on the subway. By herself though, it was an agonizing experience. It's one that has sent her spiraling into a depression. That comes on top of the pandemic that has shut down the entire world. That dramatically alters how life is framed for the entire family. Nicholas has never had all the answers. But now, the family has to debate the pros and cons of simply taking out the garbage. That conversation is what gives them something to do. Nicholas, Genevieve and Alex want Matilda to get out of bed and hang out with them. It's not some tantalizing offer though. They too don't know how they are going to fill their day. It's not any more exciting in the living room. It's the gesture necessary to continue nurturing these bonds amongst the family. It's what they have to do. They set timers for when to check in on Matilda. That feels like the appropriate action to take. They are nice and comforting. They try to be more firm. That too only reflects how mean Matilda's mind can be. But again, it's a debate over whether or not she actually means it. She knows how to call out Nicholas, Genevieve and Alex's actions. It does cut deep. And yet, Genevieve understands it's simply something Matilda has seen in a movie and is trying to associate into her own life. It's a delicate balance of understanding genuine impulses and what is simply her trying to fit in as normal behavior. It's complicated. Matilda yearns for independence. She is a brilliant young soul. However, she still struggles. She may do things because she feels the impulse to do them instead of genuinely wanting to take them. That too comes through the conversation of her relationship with Drea. Genevieve invades her sister's privacy by looking at her computer's search history. She knows that she can't share what she finds with Nicholas and Alex. She needs to have a conversation with Matilda. It's going to be unpleasant though. Matilda will be understandably angry. Genevieve knows how to provoke her. She knows the reactions that frequently come from her sister. She also wants to be supportive of her coming-of-age journey. Matilda is questioning her sexuality. And yet, she is in a relationship with Drea. They don't quite know what they are feeling given the events as of late. But they do want this relationship to continue. It feels like heartbreak is inevitably on the horizon because Matilda has these questions. She is doing that while also convincing Drea that she is completely committed to this relationship once more. Nicholas and Drea's mother question whether this is something that should happen again. They ultimately decide that the teenagers can determine what they want to do. It's the guardians basically accepting that there is nothing they can do. They worry. They are concerned. They know the extreme reactions that can happen when a misunderstanding happens once more. And again, that seems like it is coming. However, it's marvelous to see the lowkey energy this show embodies so well and effectively in its storytelling. Alex wants to be a dentist. He should get to be a dentist. He finds his tiny mirror after awhile too. The world just happens to be confining what is possible for these characters. That scares them. But the episode also ends with Nicholas have a relatively normal interaction with a man who comes to the house to fix the piano after someone mysteriously broke it. That's completely acceptable and shows once more that these characters are capable of more responsible actions than they want to believe.