Thursday, April 8, 2021

REVIEW: 'Station 19' - Miller Faces Pressure to Drop His Lawsuit While Carina May Be Forced Back to Italy in 'Save Yourself'

ABC's Station 19 - Episode 4.10 "Save Yourself"

Andy, Sullivan, Dean and Ben are faced with a tough choice while trying to save a couple trapped in their car. Dean second guesses his legal fight against the Seattle Police Department. Travis' dad fears he will be outed when his "golfing friend" is exposed to COVID-19. Carina's immigration status is called into question.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of ABC's Station 19.

"Save Yourself" was written by Emily Culver and directed by David Greenspan

People cannot bottle up their emotions. They need to let them out with people they trust and love. Sometimes, those expressions reveal these great moments that further strength these bonds. Other times, what comes out is absolutely ugly and horrifying. It's still a true reflection of who that person is. It's necessary to know that before it's too late to change anything. It's striking when a newlywed couple crash their car inside a truck. It's more stunning when the wife pleads to be rescued first because she has more to live for. She panics. She is afraid of what might happen. That's what comes out. She absolutely means it. She still loves her husband. This reflects what should be known within their relationship though. It makes for quite a short honeymoon. They are rushed to the hospital hoping to survive these injuries. That will only be the start of their recovery though. The future remains uncertain for them individually and as a couple. That's what life is because they wanted to live purely in the bliss. It's easy to do so. It's more pleasant to live in that reality as well. The husband knew that she was a big, specific personality. This moment is still unexpected and shocking to him. It surprises those in the field. And yet, some actions aren't all that surprising. The new battalion chief wants Miller to drop his lawsuit against the police department. He sees the need to work together as first responders. That's more important than the discrimination Miller faced. The chief rose through the ranks despite open hostility and racism in the ranks of the department. He now believes he is in a position to offer change. That's why Station 19 is as inclusive and diverse as it currently is. He sees a better world now than what he had to endure early on. Miller is fighting so that no one has to endure this discrimination ever again. He is continuing the fight. He is doing it his way. Not everything about this battle pleases him. He thought he knew exactly what he would say when he reunited with his parents. They were estranged for a reason. He froze in the moment though. Instead, he saw them as loving individuals willing and able to be a part of his life. It was different. He can't forget the past. He doesn't know how to move forward with that. He is determined to proceed with the lawsuit though. He won't be quiet hoping that his sacrifice will be noticed and commended one day. The new chief respects those who keep their heads down and do the job effectively. He encourages Sullivan to apply for lieutenant again. It rewards the climb towards leadership that worked to get him to his current position. He leads with the belief that others have to follow the same path. That's not true though. There are many valid ways to make a difference in the world. His version of leadership isn't the only acceptable way for people of color to engage in this environment. Sullivan buys into that argument. Andy doesn't. That creates some friction between them. They still process their love for one another. However, tension is rising between them. That continues to fester and grow. They hold resentment for how the other seems to perceive things. They may not be true. Andy doesn't care about Sullivan's title. It matters to Sullivan though. That is more important because he worked so hard for that acknowledgement. Now, he is continually demeaned and barely holding on. His marriage appears to be the only happy thing in his life. He is holding onto Andy to remain stable and functioning. That isn't healthy. Of course, Travis' home life has been defined by similar inaction for a long time. His father has lived a lie. He has accepted this as what should be. He is happy being married to his best friend. And yet, it prevented him from offering full support for his son when he needed it the most. Travis can reflect on that with grace. He resolves these conflicts peacefully because he understands the turmoil his father has faced internally for years. Those patterns aren't being repeated either. Jack is showing Marcus that it's fine to express one's emotions no matter what. In fact, Jack's family unit gets a moment of grace and salvation with Martha being taken off the ventilator and coming back to life. That is a huge celebration. It also provides clarity to Maya as she declares her willingness to go to Italy with Carina. Life is changing. These relationships are tested. If they are strong, then they will survive. Some of the characters operate with that peace and clarity. Others are struggling. Some hurdles are put there by outside pressure. People criticize the choices being made. They are all complicated individuals. But they each feel free to embark on actions they believe are right. They may regret them in the future. They have the ability to still do them though. Life isn't easy. They can hopefully make it better through the heroism they are brave enough to showcase.