Wednesday, July 24, 2019

REVIEW: 'The Handmaid's Tale' - The Waterfords Examine Just How Faithful the Lawrence Household Truly Is in 'Witness'

Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale - Episode 3.10 "Witness"

June must deal with a devious ploy on the part of Commander Waterford.

In 2018, there were 495 scripted shows airing amongst the linear channels and streaming services. The way people are consuming content now is so different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, there is less necessity to provide ample coverage of each specific episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site is making the move to shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale.

"Witness" was written by Jacey Heldrich and directed by Daina Reid

The season finally seems to be committed to the idea of June now presenting as an insane person no one should trust. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to take her at her word or rely on her to improve the lives of others. She has proven time and time again that she will always put her own selfish interests first. Those preservation skills have kept her alive so far. But she has continually cut herself off from the rest of the world except when she needs something from her allies against Gilead. There is no reason why someone in the resistance network should be willing to tell her about their plans or go along with her latest scheme. The handmaids are right to look at her as if she is cursed. She may not die but death and tragedy seem to follow her around everywhere she goes. These qualities should have been long apparent before now. It has seemingly taken Natalie's death to put everything into focus. And yet, everything quickly comes together for June once she commits herself to getting as many children out of Gilead as possible. All the resources are seemingly at her disposal as well. It's shocking really. This could have been a fight anyone in the Lawrence household could have been pursuing. It just takes one depraved push from Commander Waterford to actually make it a reality. The show can't really tell anything new about the central ceremony that happens between commanders and their handmaids. It's fascinating to see it forced onto the Lawrence household because George no longer knows if he can trust his old friend because of Fred's suggestions. And yet, these outsiders are only present when it comes to the beginning of the ceremony. They aren't in the same room to ensure that it actually takes place. Instead, they just examine June afterwards to confirm that penetration did occur. It's sickening to watch. It shows how Joseph and Eleanor have long thought they could reside above the monstrosities that take place in the new world they call home. Joseph has long been seen as one of the architects of Gilead. He is highly respected in this society. People don't accuse him of being unfaithful. He has long had his own views of this world though. He doesn't abide by the rules. His house has always been maintained in a specific way. The love is always apparent between him and Eleanor. They are a troubled couple because of the burdens of this new world. June has brought some excitement to their lives. It has just pushed them to a breaking point. Now, they have both been engaging additions to this season. They provide June with the means to actually make her insane plan a reality. It allows her to count on more than just the Marthas to rally around the idea of protecting children. Instead, June can rally the troops by actually sharing the information about where the stolen children of Gilead have been placed. Sure, she only shares the good news. She keeps Janine in the dark about her son dying in a car accident. She needs to keep her cool and on her side. She can't risk exposure of this operation. Of course, the time already seems to be counting down. This escape is already in motion. Is it something that will occur immediately? Or will the show find enough excuses to drag it out until the end of the season? Commander Lawrence is foolish to ask June to care for his wife in getting her out of the country. He should know better because she didn't get on the first truck with Emily. June still refuses to leave Gilead without Hannah. She still doesn't know where her daughter has been taken either. That will complicate things. And yet, the show can't drag its feet too much. It is already embracing that quality when it pertains to the stalled negotiations regarding the Waterfords wanting to get Nichole back. It's apparently gone on long enough for Serena to actually welcome the back channel given to her by Mark Tuello. That just presents as a story the show has largely lost sight of because of the erratic pacing of this season. But it apparently is still something the show wants the audience to remain engaged with because it could lead to major ramifications for the players involved.